It didn't take much to stir up da list into an ALIVE mode....din'n it...... tee 
(I should try that more offen  ;>).

As for those religionists who took offence at my heathenistic remarks, my 
And so be it.

But, again, and I insist, in my not so humble opinion, a human life is a being 
with a body: 
one head, two arms, two legs and other assorted working parts, one live being 
who is able to function in this here cold cruel and unjust world and as 
unimpededly as possible.   
That one may lose some of these parts or their functions along the way is a 
whole nuther story, and not a part of this conversation.

Hey, now:  A few cells in a Petri dish do NOT a human being make, no matter how 
y'all choose to cut it.   Sorry.    True, them cells are alive, there's 'life' 
in them, for sure, but can they walk off that dish and lead a normal human-like 
life.........?????    Hah.!!!    
Ah doan thin'n soe....!!!!!

A 'human' life and a live human body are two very different things, mind you.   

My gimped wife is a very live (and alive) human being and if that 'stuff' on 
that Petri dish can help her one teenie wintsee bit somewhere along the line 
before she dies, am all for it.
And even tho I want it now, I know we'll hafta wait and who knows for how long.

To compare: Like when assembling a car, the brand new shiny spankin' model does 
NOT leave the assembly plant (change that to womb, if you wish) until all its 
parts are connected, tested to be in working order, and ready to (rock 'n') 

This is why and where both sides of this issue will never ever never see eye to 
And so be it.

Bobberino,   in abnormally warm and crazy Elvisland.  Am ready to wear shorts 
and teeshirts again.   Ah, global warming.  It's here to stay.  (but that's a 
nuther subject).

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