These increase inflammation:
   Soy products
   Omega-6 Oils (Corn, Safflower, Peanut, Soybean and  Canola)
Omega-3 blocks inflammation.
These reduce inflammation:
   Magnesium, Curcumin, Quercetin, Ferulic Acid, Ellagic Acid,  Alpha-Lipoic 
Acid, Natural Vitamin E, B-12, Folate, B-1, B-6.....All promote  nerve healing 
as well as re-myelination of damages nerves.
   Pain Relief:  B-17
   I've been taking vitamins/supplements that contain a lot  of the above for 
the past ten years....ever since I got hit with TM.   I rarely get sick.  I 
now only need 900-1200 mg of my Neurontin because my  burning/tingling has 
reduced so much in its intensity.  Sometimes when I  overdo it the burning will 
increase and I just lie down with an ice pack for 15  minutes and I'm fine 
   Thought it was time to share.
   Love to all,  Lynn

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