"But when I saw the pharmacist  that's been advising me, he questioned it."
Hello All,
You know, when it comes to medications, supplements and  drugs that we put 
into our bodies, I believe it is the Pharmacists that  have it way over the 
Doctors.  I mean, drugs and how they affect the  body is what Pharmacists are 
educated to be most knowledgeable  about.
In my opinion, the most that Doctors know about the  drugs they prescribe to 
us, their patients, is what the drug  representatives tell them.  And, who 
knows what other things the  Doctor has on his/her mind at the time the drug 
is there?  Are  they even listening?
When I have a question about a new medication or a  change in the color, 
shape, or form that is different from what I am used  to seeing in my 
it is not the Doctor whom I call first.   I always ask my Pharmacist.  And, I 
have yet to be  mislead.
Plus, the Pharmacist knows best how medications react  with other prescribed 
meds that we put into our bodies.   At the  present I am taking 12 prescribed 
medications and 9 supplements.  I  have discussed with my Pharmacist  
regarding each and every one of  the pills, capsules, ampoules, or whatever 
form they 
come in, that I  swallow, and make sure that each one is safe for me to take 
on its own and  in conjunction with all of the other meds I am taking.
So lets listen a bit more to the Nutritionists and  Pharmacists in our lives. 
 We will be a bit more safe and might even  get some much needed education 
along the way.
Does anyone agree or disagree with me or have anything  to add to this, my 
Brilliant observation?
Peace and Prayers,

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