Mom Passed today at 12:00 noon. I just walked into her room about two minutes 
after. My sisters were crying, looked at me and said "she's gone." I couldn't 
cry. I just sat there looking at her. I watched her color slowly disappear, and 
when I did muster the guts to go to here, she was still warm. Even when the 
people from the funeral home came to get her, I was still in disbelief, though 
I knew she was gone. At least they ttok her out the back door with her face 
uncovered. Normally, they take them out the front, but so many people knew, and 
liked her, they thought it best to go out the back. Everyone there was nice, as 
a lot of the aids took care of her.

I think it'll hit home Thursday. Normally, that's one of my night to sit with 
her. When I get the scanner working, I'll send a picture of us so you all can 
see my beloved Mom.

Thanks to all of you who sent emails. I'll be in touch soon.


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