Hi everyone, I don't know how many remember me...I'm Jake's mom, Judi DeGrand. 
I haven't posted in a long time. To catch you up, Jake is now going to college 
at CMU for environmental Land Use and GPS imaging. He is completely 
independant.  We are very proud of him.
He has recently taken on a new Doctor  in his new town and this Dr. has asked 
him if he is interested in Thorcic Epidural procedure....he is pretty busy with 
school and asked me to find more out about it...well most of the stuff I find 
on the internet is either for pregnancy or that paraplegia happens after the 
procedure. Has anyone had this procedure to relieve chronic pain? Can you tell 
me of any good sites to go to to find out about the pros and cons of this 
procedure?  Thanks alot. Judi

Live well, laugh often, love much.
Catch ya later, Judi
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