*Please fill out the following questionaire honestly and return to me as soon as possible. All of these question are about life before TM. Please answer yes or no next to each item below. Thanks folks.

_Did you experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis?



Difficulty Sleeping

Hair Loss

Bulging Eyes

Unblinking Stares

Goiter or Swelling of the Neck Glands

Rapid Heartbeat

Increased Sweating

Heat Intolerance

Unexplained Weight Loss

Scant Menstrual Periods

Frequent Bowel Movements

Warm Moist Palms

Tremors of Fingers

fn:" If you help only one soul to find itself, if you comfort only one mourner, if you heal only one sick person, then the whole of your earthly life is justified. How privileged you are to be aware of the tremendous power that is around and about you, that enfolds you, guards you, directs you and ensures that you will continue to unfold your latent divinity and the gifts which are your cherished possession."
n:;" If you help only one soul to find itself, if you comfort only one mourner, if you heal only one sick person, then the whole of your earthly life is justified. How privileged you are to be aware of the tremendous power that is around and about you, that enfolds you, guards you, directs you and ensures that you will continue to unfold your latent divinity and the gifts which are your cherished possession."
adr;dom:Apt. #203;;1941 Gaston Place Drive;Austin;Texas;78723
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Thomas Jefferson said it best,------"Those that trade freedom for security deserve neither freedom nor security"............

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