Hi Larry,
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 
You did a great job of answering all the questions!  Thank you!  
But now I have more questions: What is Provigal?  Does it help?  I can’t 
believe you’ve dealt with this for 24 years!  Wow!  Has it gotten better, or 
have you just adjusted to dealing with it as you’ve learned what to do and not 
do?  Are you working?  I vaguely remember you saying you do – not sure.
No, I get no assistance b/c they said I had more than 2 weeks' sick leave when 
this happened, thus making me ineligible (where’s the logic there? – I’ve had 
several people double check for me, and that’s the law in <?xml:namespace 
prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Hawaii!)  
I’ve applied for SSDI, was denied the first time, and am now waiting for my 
recon ‘verdict’.  I’m not holding my breath, but figured it doesn’t hurt to 
try.  My health insurance is waving my co-pay and I’ve applied for MedQuest to 
pay my $270 / mo COBRA  In addition, co-workers donated ‘leave-share’ the first 
year, which helped me hold out a little longer.  Fortunately, I was able to 
refinance my house just before my last pay-checks – but never expected to be 
out this long so didn’t take much!  So I’ve really been blessed in spite of 
everything.  .  
But now I’m nearly out of savings, and family and church have been helping me, 
for which I’m grateful, but that of course is not a permanent solution!  If not 
back to work soon, I’ll sell my house, but just didn’t want to do it too soon, 
and then find out a few months later that I wouldn’t have needed to sell.  My 
plan was to give myself the full ‘two years’ to ‘reach maximum healing’ first.  
That ends in May!  J  And for me, the fatigue's the main problem – can’t 
function at all some days, though other days I’m okay as long as I don’t 
over-do it and rest frequently.
Thanks for all your answers and Allen's email.

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