Peptide can reduce MS symptoms   

SAN DIEGO,-- U.S. scientists have  identified a fibrin-   
derived peptide that inhibits a specific  inflammation   
process in mouse models of multiple sclerosis. The    
University of California-San Diego scientists say the   
fibrous protein  called fibrinogen, found in circulating   
blood and important in blood  clotting, can promote multiple   
sclerosis when it leaks from the blood into  the brain,   
triggering inflammation that leads to MS-related nerve    
damage. But the researchers at the UCSD School of Medicine   
identified  a fibrin-derived peptide that inhibits that   
inflammation, thereby reducing  MS symptoms. "Current   
strategies to develop therapies to fight MS  primarily target   
T cells," said Katerina Akassoglou, the study's lead    
investigator. "Blood proteins have been neglected as a   
therapeutic  target, but this research shows that a blood   
clotting factor is an  important player in MS." The research   
is detailed in the March 19 issue of  the Journal of   
Experimental Medicine.   

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