In a message dated 3/30/2007 3:03:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  

. The  doctor says that my > bladder is doing its job: when it fills to a 
certain  point, it empties. > Now that is without any control from my head--or  
whatever. If I want > to wait, Forget it, cause it's doing its own thing.  

This is how my bladder works, so I had to self cath  every three hours or get 
soaked to the max.  I can't cath in my chair so  had to be able to get to a 
bed or something where I could lie  down.
I thought I would be able to cath in my new chair but  my legs won't stay in 
the right position since they were broken at the ankles  last year.  I am so 
disapointed that I will still have to go back to bed  every three hours if the 
foley comes out.  I don't know what to  do.
Every time I get diarreah I get another UTI.  I  cannot help it.  I have to 
do my bowel program in bed, lying on my  side with one leg up on a pillow 
crossing over the other one.  Then I have  to reach behind myself and put pads 
(chucks) down and begin to to the digital  removal.  When I get the big D, I 
change the chucks fast enough and  stuff goes all over the place.  I do my 
best to keep things sanitary, but  have so much trouble.  Does anyone have an 
idea for me to deal with this  besides what I am doing?
You have no idea how humbling it is to write this kind  of email, but I have 
no one else to ask.  What do people in my situation  do?
Complete TM, Lesion from T3-T8, no sensation, no  movement from the underarms 
on down to my toes.  My torso is affected as  well as the upper portion of my 
shoulders, but not my arms.  I can still  lift them against gravity, but it 
is becoming more difficult as time goes  on.

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