Bernie I am so very sorry that you are going through so much.  You are very 
much in my prayers. Please take care of yourself, as well.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Wayne Rabalais<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  To:<> ; Bernard 
Pelow<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 5:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT - need your prayers and help please

  OMG,Bernie,My prayers are with you and your girls. I can not imagine how you 
keep on going. But please keep the Faith.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Bernard Pelow<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
    To: Dad<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
    Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 11:00 AM
    Subject: [TMIC] OT - need your prayers and help please

    Hello family and friends,
       I know I have not been on line in a long time, please forgive me my 
absence.  But things have not been going well in our family at all for quite a 
while now.  I wrote you a while back and told you briefly how both my daughters 
are sick, well now I can tell you what seems to be the end story of all of it.
       My youngest daughter Sara, has endometriosis, it took them almost 5 
years to figure it out. First they said it was all in her head, then that she 
was just a 'drug seeker'; then a doctor had enough belief in her that he 
ordered testing on her female reproductive parts. They found endometriosis, and 
since then they have done surgery twice, to no avail.  She is now in a pain 
management program for life, or a complete radical hysterectomy... so sad. And 
she did want to have children one day.... She has a month to decide whether she 
wants to be on the pain medicines all her life or have the procedure done. It 
is a hard decision for her to make, but she is an adult now, so it is hers and 
hers alone. She is listening to all sides and will figure out which way she 
wants to go, but she is leaning towards the procedure as she has watched me go 
through all of this pain management crap most of her life. She was 3 when all 
of my stuff started, so she has seen it all through me.
       My oldest daughter Laurie, has hyperthyroidism and thyroidtoxicosis. 
They finally figured it out after about 3 years, multiple emergency room 
visits, etc. Initially they told her it was just "female problems" causing her 
symptoms! When they found out 3 months ago (only after she had to be admitted 
into the intensive care because of difficulty breathing and a very high heart 
rate - over 200 beats per minute), they tested her and found the 
hyperthyroidism and thyroidtoxicosis, then they decided to do radiation 
treatment, they said because the thyroid was so large. So they put her on a 
crap load of medicines, and day before yesterday we find out that one those 
drugs has damaged her liver and she now has hepatitis (but only a mild form at 
least). They told her not to take any more of that medicine, to stop 
immediately, which totally freaked all of us out. Without that particular drug, 
her thyroid would start producing mass amounts of the chemicals that could kill 
her, in a matter of minutes if it were bad enough. So yesterday she had to go 
to the ER again because of the migraine headaches and eye pressure pain, and an 
ER doc got pissed as hell and got hold of her endocrinologist and endocrine 
surgeon (who did not want to do surgery initially....because the thyroid was so 
large.). Anyhow he got them in conference call, and he told them "if I send her 
home she will be dead in a couple of days". So he finally forced them to get 
their proverbial shit together, and she is scheduled for surgery to remove the 
thyroid on May 1st... the surgery that is still so dangerous to do,, but it is 
the only option left now. She will continue on her prescribed medicines, 
including radiation stuff taken orally, and including the one that has caused 
damage to her liver, but since it is only for 10 more days, the damage will be 
minimal. This is a very very risky surgery, but it is the only option left for 
her, so I am asking for all of your prayers, energy, or help from whatever 
higher power you happen to believe in... I rule no one out!
       And after the both of them have their respective surgeries, they will 
both have to be on different hormone replacement supplements the rest of their 
lives. So please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.... and me too, as I am 
a complete basket case at this time. With Laurie not being able to work, what 
little finances I get is not enough to pay for food, bills, my prescriptions, 
her new ones, etc...  My electric wheelchair broke, and is in the shop for at 
least a month, so I am back in my manual chair. Which means my pain and 
spasticity is through the roof, and all of this other on top of it. My brain is 
overloaded and I am in a constant state of pain, anxiety, or depression; 
sometimes all at once over all of this. I am taking Klonopin right now for the 
anxiety, but it doesn't seem to be helping at all. I am taking everything one 
second at a time, and keeping the faith... my faith in my belief system, but 
like I said before I will rule nothing out right now... all help will be 
greatly appreciated. Thank you all.
       And I do hope that life is treating you better than it is us......
    Blessings and Peace,
    Bernie in Texas 

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