Hey Jude...glad you are back.  I always like reading your e-mails..good luck 
with that chair...Jenna

      Hey All...
  I missed you too much to stay away.  I have been up spending time learning to 
drive and operate my new wheelchair.  It does everything but stand up, but I 
didn't qualify for that one because of the brittle bones.
  Not one of you has sent me their story.  How am I going to have something to 
do to take my mind off of the TM with nothing to do?
  I love you all and hey...I don't know if you have heard this already, but 
Grace is alive and well (as can be expected) and not beyond help, as some of us 
have heard.  I was  very happy to hear that good news.  One thing I don't know 
is her new email address in order to send her a card.  If someone will share it 
with me I will appreciate it to no end. 
  Love to All...

  See what's free at AOL.com. 

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 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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