
I didn't fall on my face, I fell face forward.  My arms and hands took
the force of the fall.   Sorry I didn't explain that correctly
the first time.   Two other people tripped on the wire while I
was there.  I didn't trip on it, my cane tip caught it walking into
a dark garage at night and down I went. It was as if this was put there on purpose.
I believe the shock of the fall went into my neck.  I have had
MRI's since then that show a lot of arthritis in my neck.  However
the neurologist said that the arthrits has nothing to do with the
pain and numbness in my hands??? (same neurologist that lost
my medical records and broke the EMG machine)

Thank you for your concern.  Trust me, I am careful, but unexpected
wires that shouldn't be there...I should have sued the board
of my building, sorry I didn't.

Take care,

Dang Kevin I know that must have hurt .Did you go and have x-rays done? If so 
did it show any thing fractured? Those tiny bone in your face can sometimes not 
show anything. I would have an MRI done. Please be more careful. Rick
From: Kevin Wolfthal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2007/05/11 Fri AM 07:09:38 EDT
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],  Tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] allodynia - Lynn

I took a very bad fall, full force onto
a concrete floor a few ears ago.  I think
that may be the reason I am having
hand numbness and neck/shoulder
problems now.  An employee in the
building I live in left a wire
going accross the entrance to the
garage.  My cane caught it and I
went down hard face forward.
Didn't need that.


Candis Kalley wrote:
Lynn and Kevin,

Is it just great to not "feel" unless it feels like a thunderbolt has it

I fell one night and it took 3 more falls before I realized that the "pain"
was what was making my legs give out - dah.  But, this was the first time
that a fall had caused real pain and I am a little slower since TM to
anaylze cause/effect.

Candy K.

[Original Message]
From: Kevin Wolfthal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lynn Pouliot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <Tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Date: 5/10/2007 11:34:04 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] allodynia - Lynn


This is one of the oddest things I've noticed with my own symptoms.
My feet are numb to the touch, I can't tell what direction my big
toe is pointing when the neurologist moves it up or down, yet, if
I stub my toe it is like I put my foot in a light socket, and I have
to catch my breath.  In fact just tonight I was walking in bare feet
and must have stepped on some tiny raised object that made me
limp.  Numbness and hypersensitivity at the same time.  Weird.


Lynn Pouliot wrote:
I have "had" tm since 1992. I have had flare ups but do get somewhat better each time. But I can't say I am in lots of pain. And don't notice lots of increase in pain. Now that i am on the lyrica the pain in my legs is not too bad. I do get feelings of cold or burning sometimes but it is not unbearable. Also I find it strange that if I stub my toe or bump into something my legs overeact. I get spasms in my leg and it is like I am really injured but it only last a couple of minutes. I know if i have bumped my toe or foot to hold on to something for a few minutes.

Lynn in RI
----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] allodynia

I'm also interested in Heather's question: how many people w/TM more> than 3 or 4 years have gotten >worse as time goes by?

Perhaps the question should be:

Are there any of us who have NOT had an increase in symptoms??


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