Dear List, Thanks for the use of the line for a little while I had ATT service 
my computer and lines. I realize that this line is not normally used for this 
purpose, but this is basically the only line I knew I could use. I would 
appreciate it If anyone would send me an e-mail just for test purposes.Thanks 
all. God Bless You Rick Ashford
> Date: 2007/06/06 Wed AM 11:23:50 EDT
> To: <>
> Subject: [TMIC] testingcomputer
> Dear Group, I have been havinga few problems with my computer. Ihave an 
> actualatt. tech here now and he askme to compose a letter to see if he could 
> find outsome things causing my problems.Please Disreguard this letter it is 
> only a testfor his convenience. Thanks Rick Ashford

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