My personal (very unprofessional) theory is that it's sort of like stopping a small baby from crying and making noises - expecting him to either talk or keep quiet. His crying is part of the development of his lungs and the noises are prerequisite to his learning to talk. If you stop him from making noise until he can actually talk, he may never learn. It seems as if when I stop my nerves from firing (so much) so that I won't have any pain, they don't work enough to allow me to walk (or walk more normally, feel, etc.).

More good words, to me and affirmation. T'was my theory, too. I had a lot of pain last year, sleep-stopping pain, movement-stopping pain, and I believed that I should soldier through it, because I wanted nothing to be in the way of return, recovery, healing.

I still can't walk and I still expect to. The pain comes and goes and is not as sharp nor as insistent and there is more I can do now than I could a year ago, so I hope to be another anomalous against the odds recovery.


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