As Promised, Bush Vetoes New Stem Cell Bill

POSTED: 1:43 pm EDT June 20, 2007
UPDATED: 2:07 pm EDT June 20, 2007

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WASHINGTON -- Pushing back against the Democratic-led Congress,
President George W. Bush vetoed a bill Wednesday that would have eased
restraints on federally funded embryonic stem cell research. 

Democrats, who had made the stem cell legislation a top priority when
they took control of the House and Senate in January, were quick to
denounce the president's decision. 

"This is just one example of how the president puts ideology before
science, politics before the needs of our families, just one more
example of how out of touch with reality he and his party have become,"
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., told the Take Back America
conference of liberal activists Wednesday. 

White House spokesman Tony Snow said the veto is not an attempt to
muzzle science, but more an attempt to "respect people's conscience on
such an issue." 

To blunt criticism, the White House said Bush is issuing an executive
order directing the Health and Human Services Department to promote
research into cells that -- like human embryonic stem cells -- also hold
the potential of regenerating into different types of cells that might
be used to battle disease. 

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is expected to schedule a vote to
override the veto, although he doesn't appear to have enough votes for a
two-thirds majority. 

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