I am paralyzed from the waist down and have begun to return to my art making.
Last fall I began to crochet again. Late winter I started to teach crocheting in the building I'm in.

I used to do flameworking, moldmaking, sculpting, and papermaking.
My friends have delivered my Cherub ( a tiny beater) last week and I've begun work on a batch of linen paper. I made some recycled and plant paper in the tiny bathroom here ( I'm away from my house in an apartment) using my shower chair as a wet table. Yay!

It worked well, but I'm ready to move down to the community room and really pull some sheets.

In May I began to bake---quite a challenge here as the counters are all too high, but I put a bowl in my lap for stirring and put the blender a moving neighbor gave me on the floor. So for the first time since 11/05 I've had walnut banana bread, oatmeal cookies, banana pancakes, homefries.

I'm not sure what took me so long, but I think I just needed a bit more strength.

Re: Clay. Miss it! Used it to make molds for my paper and glass sculptures, and sometimes for itself.... Sigh, my clay and glass studio tools were in the basement of my house, so it's not possible at this point for me to even consider them. Would love to hear from anyone in a wheelchair setting up their studios. I bought some polymer clay to experiment and think with. It's not the same delicious stuff, but it does at least meet some of my hands yearning
to mold  and shape.

re: Power chair. I can't get in mine( sigh). I got it just before I lost insurance and it has sat here unused for a year. Seems to work best for those who can move something even a little below the waist. I only have upper body and think i need the exercise, even though more of a hassle in one way,
I know at at least move something of my body every day....


I do have a power chair which makes it easier to get around. I used to putter with clay as a hobby and work on the potters wheel but you need to put your whole body into kneading the clay. I cant imagine doing it in a sitting position. Maybe if I sat on a high stool. As far as the kitchen is concerned I am great at heating up frozen food and left overs from restaurants. Does that count?? Rosalie


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