I, too, am a walking wounded, having contacted TM eleven  years ago.  It 
seems funny (?), odd, coincidental - I have gone  thru  some of the same 
 pain, meds, pain,   depression, pain, doctors, pain, misunderstandings, and 
pain that all of  you have gone through..  Last week I received the results of 
my  annual physical and found out I also have cardiomyopathy which is fatal  
and has a life sentence of no longer than five years once the first  symptom 
I'm sure you all have been at the point if you received  any more bad news 
you would bust.  You have all asked the questions  why me?  Who will take care 
of my 37-year old autistic son?  How  will I be able to afford any more meds on 
what disability  pays  me?  (I had savings but that went the say of different 
doctors,  hospitals, etc.)  How do I plan for what future is left when you  
are all alone?
Well............................................................  having 
friends like all of you, each with different personalities,  different view 
points, different life styles.... without  you I don't  know what I would have 
 You can relate to every problem I've  had, explain it in words I can 
understand, and not talk down to me with  such sentences as "oh yeah, I've had 
kind of pain".
So dearest friends, stay there for all of us.  I  don't think many of us care 
if you address your input to the  private  hotline or to the whole mailing 
list, if you write in regular fashion, or  in all caps, etc.
To spice up my closing I think I shall use the name  Angel, thus not 
divulging my sex.   love   Angel

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