Thanks to everyone who shared their testimony - I really appreciated it.  
I too believe that my TM has been a blessing to me (though I don't always think 
of it that way on a day to day basis!  :)  But I truly believe that good has 
come from it, in many ways. 
So yes, it's frustrating, and certainly not something I would have planned!  
But I'm old enough to realize that the Lord knows better than I do, what I need 
to learn.  I'm not necessarily inclined to think that He specifically planned 
TM for me, but I do believe that he ALLOWED it to happen, knowing that no 
matter what kind of negative things happen to us, all things are possible if we 
place our trust in HIm, and therefore we can not only handle it, but even 
benefit from it.  (And above all, I probably needed practice in not only having 
faith, but in learning to exercise it by putting my trust in HIm in this 
challenge that TM offers!)
So thanks for the suggestion, Trudy, that helps us to focus on the positive 
instead of just the negative!

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