
I think all governments should kick out the lobbyist for the pharmacy, 
insurance, and medical fields.  
Lobbying in government should be crime punishible by the most highest degree!
Did you see where the lobbyist were able to get a bill thu where Medicare does 
NOT require pharmacy co. to bid on medicines?  The VA requires it but NOT 
Medicare.  Quess who was behind that bill!  
While we may have a good government system in theory, the greed has multiplied 
all thru the years and the common tax payer, not the millionairs nor 
billionairs, foot the tax money for all the greed in Washington and each and 
every state!

My two cents for today on this.

Bless all,

Candy K.

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Aug 4, 2007 10:37 AM
>Subject: [TMIC] What do you think are solutions to the health care crisis?
>Medical expenses are astronomical, particularly when someone  is sick and 
>can't work. I don't like insurance being tied to one's employer,  
>all new paperwork when someone changes or jobs or when someone  buys out your 
>employer and institutes new health care coverage -- not to mention  that the 
>medical problems you've been dealing with are now "preexisting  conditions" 
>under the new policy.
>But I am not impressed with what I hear about socialized  medicine, either -- 
>long waits to see a doctor or to have tests  done.
>I think the government is too big, unwieldy,  bureaucratic, and inefficient 
>to take over health care.
>So what is the solution?
>Barbara H.
>_ ( 
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Candy K.

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