Hi Pam,
> I have two LETM lesions. (Long/Extensive/Transverse/Myelitis)  At first
> glance at my MRI's it might have appeared to be quite likely that I have
> MS.  However, I don't.  They drew CSF and blood to send to  the Mayo and I
> tested positive for NMO.  (Totally different from MS.  MS requires
> immunomodulation.  NMO requires immunosuprression.  Also both diseses have
> totally different pathiologies and outcomes.)   They also look for the
> presence of oligoclonal bands in the CSF.  Our optic neuritis is also
> different due to axon death.  MS patients almost always regain their sight,
> but we don't.  An attack can be halted mid-stream for damage control, and
> our sight will improve, but once the optic nerve has suffered axon death,
> it's a done deal.  They've also discovered recently (It's in Dr.
> Wingerchuk's research.)  that we can also have brain lesions.  This was once
> thought not to be the case, but the diagnostic criteria has changed to
> include them.  I believe the number for nonspecific brain lesions is around
> 60% now.
> Grace
> >
> >
> >
> >

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