Dear Friend, 

When I started my medical  practice, back in the "olden days," most of my 
patients complained and worried  about constipation. Judging from today's 
advertising for a plethora of laxatives  and fiber supplements, I assume this 
still a common concern. People seem to  have some bizarre notion they are going 
explode and die if they don't have a  daily bowel movement. Rest assured that 
in 40 years of practice, I never saw  this happen to a single person. 

It is true that some elderly patients  can develop a fecal impaction, which 
may need to be surgically removed. But this  condition is more common in 
nursing homes among immobile patients.  

Constipation is not the scourge it is made out to be, neither "toxic  
accumulation" nor cancer is related to constipation. This is a marketing ploy 
colonic engineers who have frightened millions of people into their plumbing  
chambers with the grim news that "death begins in the colon." 

In an  article, published in the British Medical Journal, Dr. James Wharton 
of the  University of Washington School of Medicine remarked on the prevailing 
"wisdom"  of the 1800s regarding constipation. Back then it was the medical 
consensus that  constipation was "the foremost disease of civilization, a 
universal affliction  in industrialized societies that engendered the full 
range of 
more serious human  ailments." A popular diagnosis of the times was 
"autointoxication," a poisoning  of the body resulting from a backup of sewage 
presumably, seepage of toxins  into the bloodstream. This powerful imagery sold 
lot of laxatives and colonic  cleansings. 

It isn't surprising that doctors and the general public had  some odd ideas a 
hundred years ago. Their scientific knowledge was extremely  limited compared 
to today's standards. What does seem strange is that, in spite  our advanced 
knowledge, we continue to buy into ideas that are just as  ridiculous as 
theirs, and a lot more dangerous. Consider modern myths like the  Great Fiber 
Caper, the Cholesterol Paranoia, and the Fluoride Fiasco: What did  the old 
do that was as bad as any of this? 

So what should you do  if you’re all stopped up? Just relax. You won't do 
yourself, or your colon, any  good by worrying about constipation. In fact, 
you're probably making it worse.  Give it some time. Your bowels will move when 
they're good and ready.  

Folate follies 

Vegetarians have always claimed  they get all the folic acid they need from 
vegetables. Well, they don't.  

A study performed by Dr. Silvina Choumenkovitch, a nutrition researcher  at 
Tufts University in Boston, showed that blood samples taken from vegetarians  
after folic acid supplementation had a 38% higher level of folate than samples  
taken before folic acid fortification. Folate levels in the people studied 
were  increased from 87 percent to 96 percent of the acceptable range after  
supplementing with folic acid. 

The original objective of folate  fortification was to protect against neural 
tube defects, a type of birth defect  that affects the brain and spinal cord 
and causes conditions like spina bifida.  

However, the benefits go far beyond the prevention of relatively rare  birth 
defects, good as those benefits are. Folic acid is one of the nutrients  that 
aids in the conversion of artery-hardening homocysteine to the non-toxic  
cystathionine. Anyone, including vegetarians, that eats a diet devoid of fresh  
meat, fish or other animal protein and fat, may see a dramatic decrease in  
cardiovascular disease by adding folic acid supplements to their daily regimen. 

Getting to the heart of it, 

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.  

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