Congratulations. that is awesome!! I'm sorry about the pain, but so glad
things are looking better for you.

Keep in touch


In Virginia where every day is beautiful during this season.. unfortunately
it does mean that winter is not far off. but I'm not going to think about
that now.. I'll deal with winter when it comes.. :-)



Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2007 10:14 PM
Subject: [TMIC] SSDI


Hi Everyone,

I haven't been able to participate too much lately, because I still have
trouble sitting at the computer for more than a few minutes (due to pain),
but I have to share my news with you:

I just got a letter from SSA saying that the judge has made a 'Fully
Favorable' decision in my SSDI case!  There's still some red tape before I
actually see any money, but after 2 1/2 years with no income, what's a few
more months!  At least I'm making progress here, after 2 SSDI denials (one
telling me that my TM wouldn't last as long as 12 months, even though at the
time I'd already had it for 2 years!)

If anyone's looking for a good SSDI attorney, I've been really happy with
mine.  And if he didn't before, he now knows a bit about TM!  :)  He's the
brother of a friend of mine and is licensed to practice in all 50 states (I
live in Hawaii; he lives in Texas).  If you're interested, his name is
Jonathon Healy; you can email him at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks everyone, for all your input that has helped me in 'surviving' this
challenge, as well as for information that helped to make my case, etc.

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