I don't know if I had a five year plan, but it has now been five years!
The first year I was in denial of the true impact of it all: I denied how
it happened, how it progressed, etc. etc.  About a year later, I revisited
it all, and it happened just the way Dr. Kerr described it. Why did I have
to hold myself out as an exception for a year?

The second year I was angry.  The third year I started working with my
disabilities: attended the first Rare Immunoneuroligical Seminar, met Dr..
Kerr: and things began to be understandable.  I worked with Dr. Kerr, and
with Urology, both here in Okla and in Baltimore.  I found out about
hippo-therapy (horseback riding).  Changed to a better massage therapist,
Got a neurostimulation device for my spastic bladder.

Now I know me--and I could not have made a plan that would have put me at
the place I am now for any amount of money in the world!  I feel more like
I am a mouse stumbling through a maze with a wise guide who prods me,
blocks me(from going down the wrong path), encourages me, and sometimes
must be frustrated that I don't get it.  Yet I have such progress that I
could not even have imagined 3 years ago, when I was starting to look for
what improvement I could hope for.

(stepping down from soapbox) I guess I just know there's  Someone taking
care of all of us, if we let Him. (or Her, smile)   Why would I attempt to
make another five year plan?  I'd never have hoped for the wonders I
actually received.       Cora

> The medical community has had me for the first five years.  I have
> decided
> that I am not wild about their plan since obviously there is none so am
> devising my own.  My neuro is so busy that he will see me only twice a
> year so I am
> going to Charlotte, NC to see a new neuro that a friend of mine  knows.
> Am
> busy making a list of all of my problems which to some will see  little
> but to
> me I want them better.  If any of you have any suggestions,  feel free to
> become a part of my medical community.
> l. Feet feel like marbles with duct tape wrapped around them.  (Am
> finding
> that message helps a lot)
> 2. Legs feel like wooden solders.  (Message helps}
> 3  Pain right side and hip..  (Heating pad only thing that  helps)
> 4. Right buttocks not happy.  (no suggestions Maybe loose  weight.
> 5 Banding under boobs.  ( does not happen often but is getting  worse)
> 6.Have you ever seen a little balloon inside a big one?  That is how  my
> rig
> ht side feels sometimes if this makes sense.
> I walk with the cane and am finding I am hurting more when I walk.  If  I
> could stay seated all the time I would be a happy camper
> I am taking 2400 gabapentin and Tramadol when needed.  Have tried
> baclofen
> and cymbalta but could not take either.  My plan right now is to  try
> everything that was suggested in the Spring newsletter. Pain doctor is
> being  quite
> helpful with this.  This is an interesting article if you all have  not
> seen it
> Medical approach to the management of neuropathic pain.   Am trying
> acupuncture.. Jury still out on this.
> Trudy in case you read this I am coming to Va. Beach in November for a
> bridge tournament.  Know you live in the eastern part of Virginia but am
> not sure
> where.  Do you happen to be in Va. Beach?
> Ann in Roanoke   (I am usually never  chatty.)
> ************************************** See what's new at
> http://www.aol.com

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