This is scary! do you know where we can find the study or more info on this.
My daughter just had her first child and she is debating about all the shots
he is required to have.

Thanks for the update




Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 4:03 PM


Autism or flu.choose your poison 

If you haven't yet heard of Thimerosal, hang onto your's a word
likely to 
creep into more and more health headlines in the coming months and years.

Thimerosal is used as a preservative in vaccines-including but not limited
to most flu 
vaccines. And although most of the preservatives used in the products we put
into our bodies are unhealthy -- to simply call Thimerosal unhealthy would
be an egregious 

You see, Thimerosal is a little less than 50 percent mercury. The same
mercury that the Department of Defense classifies as a hazardous material
that could cause death if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin.

Mercury poisoning has been linked to cardiovascular disease, autism,
seizures, mental 
retardation, dyslexia and several other neurological disorders. And it's
been banned as a vaccine preservative in several Asian and European
countries for over 20 years.

So, why am I tell you all of this? 

Because a federally funded study recently came to the conclusion that
Thimerosal does not raise the risk of neurological problems in children. An
interesting conclusion given that some vaccines (among the 12 to 15 commonly
administered to children) contain as much as 12.5 micro grams of mercury per
dose. That's more than 100 times the EPA's upper safety limit for mercury
when administered to infants.

It's also interesting to note that incidence of autism was not included in
this study. A 
separate study is underway, but results are not expected before next year.

As for adults like us, sure the concentrations of mercury compared to body
weight is 
much lower, but bear in mind that studies have shown that injected mercury
tends to 
accumulate in the brain. 

Plus a 1977 study, done in Russia showed that adults exposed to the form of
found in Thimerosal lead to brain damage years after exposure.

So, you may want to think twice about "playing it safe" and getting that flu
shot. And at the very least, make sure the version you're getting does not
contain Thimerosal.



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