Hey all, firstly, thanks all of you for the words of encouragement when I introduced myself and good news, my general practitioner has prescribed physical therapy for me! She said that it might make my Neuro unhappy and I laughed and said "he dismissed me, remember! you've got carte blanche" I carried in with me copies of your letters and read her a few bits. She is thrilled that I have found you and since she has never (and may never have another) had a TM patient before she is interested in your collective wisdom and experiences to treat me.

So here's her first question: those of you who also have high blood pressure, what is your experience medication wise, what drugs worked with the least side effects and or drug interactions. I have to start the dash diet and will probably be put on some BP lowering drug within the month.

Also should I think about antidepressants? life is really overwhelming right now!
Mindy the Artisan

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