*Heather and Patti---I'm so happy that you guys got to meet!!  It is a lot
different to meet someone in the flesh who suffers from the same problems.
I always make new friends at the infusion center.  Though I have not met
anyone else with Devic's while there, I have connected with MS patients who
go through the same daily grind that all TM'ers and Devic's people do.
We've talked, and giggled and shared---often even poking a bit of fun at our
disabilities.  The last time I was there, my right leg decided to fling
itself up and out, and also to do a bit of an *air dance*, if you will.  My
buddy to the left of me, a very personable young man, burst out laughing and
informed me that on his *good* days,  he could do MUCH better than that!
It's a very special sense of camaraderie.*
*Grace  *

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