Like the lady in Wisconsin said, I've been 'chill'n' down here in Ga this past 
week or so - Of course, I'm sure that I'm not chill'n nearly as much as folk in 
Wisconsin are right now - i'm sure it very cold up there brrr - btw  Wisconsin 
is one of my fav states - there is just something really tranq. about Eau 
Claire, and riding a canoe down the Flambau or whatever the heck that river is 
called. Two of my best friends live up there.

Anyway ...

Thank you all for you comments, advice, and personal experiences. I've calmed 
down now and just started focusing on daily life. I don't remember wish one of 
you pointed out that I now have a few doctors who are trying to do the right 
thing and helping me. I suppose all of us get frustrated, angry and depressed. 
I had a touch of depression but got over it quickly. I think sometimes that I 
hope too much and expect too much from that hope. I've made a lot of 
improvements and keep making improvements but sometimes I wish I could rush it 
along because some aspects have never gotten better while others have. But 
thanks again for your thoughtful words and acts of kindness.

In response also to that last email, I've often wondered why that the doctors 
haven't used more than one type of MRI. They keep using the same kinds of MRI's 
and it was only recently that I even got a lumbar MRI where most of pain and 
problems seem to come - even though they found problems in other places.

I still have lots of questions - many have been answered. I think I've realized 
that I'm not going to get many answers in the doctor's offices - only 
hypothesis and shrugs. 

If anyone knows how one might be able to get a insurance plan in Maryland 
(Isn't that where John Hopkin's is at) I would try to take a stab at finding a 
way to do it - maybe I should get a job up there lol

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