I'm forwarding Allen Rucker's original message to the  whole list, as there 
have been several messages sent to me regarding my  message.  I hope this 
clears everything up.  
I don't know what he used for his criteria for names, but I am  sure it 
wasn't his intention to leave anyone out of this.
Hugs to all, Barbara A

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--- Begin Message ---
Dear TMA members in and around San Francisco:
My name is Allen Rucker. I am a writer in Hollywood, a TM survivor since  
1996, and author of a book about my experiences with TM, "The Best Seat In The  
House: How I Woke Up One Tuesday and Was Paralyzed For Life," currently out in  
hardback. For more information, go to _www.allenrucker.com_ 
(http://www.allenrucker.com) .
I am writing you about a very special event to take place in San Francisco  
on Saturday, Dec 8th. A young San Francisco woman named Cynthia Noonan was  
stricken by TM only weeks ago and is now paralyzed from the chest down. Friends 
and family of Cynthia are holding a fundraiser for her and her husband, 
Trevor,  on the 8th as a way of raising some much needed medical funds as well 
surrounding Cynthia with love and support. 
For more details about Cynthia, go to _http://noonansupport.blogspot.com/_ 
(http://noonansupport.blogspot.com/) .
The event will be held from 12 to 5 on Saturday 12/8 at Liverpool  Lil's at 
2942 Lyon @ Lombard in San Francisco, CA.  The number there is  415.921.6664
Cynthia's mother-in-law, Nancy Noonan, dropped me an email and ask if I  
would come and sign books, and I of course said yes. A local bookstore, Book  
Passage, is donating copies of "The Best Seat" and probably a few of the 
books I've written for sale. All proceeds go to Cynthia and Trevor, of  course.
Every person receiving this email knows exactly what Cynthia and Trevor are  
going through in this early stage of recovery, and I know they would be moved  
and inspired by your presence at this event. The first person I called about 
TM  when I was first diagnosed was Sandy Siegel, a man,as you all know, of 
both  great knowledge and boundless compassion, and that call made all the 
difference  in the world to me.  
Please come if you can and support Cynthia and Trevor. It will probably do  
you as much good as it does them.
Thanks so much and let me know if you have any questions about this.
Allen Rucker

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--- End Message ---

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