I'm sitting here in tears due to physical pain and flustration with my COBRA 

I got the 11 month extension but they raised my rates by 50%.  I sent the 
payment of 847.28 in and it cleared my bank on 12/6 for 347.28 - their error.  
On 12/7 I discovered the error and went to my bank.  The bank looked the check 
up and it diffently shows 847.28 everywhere on the check, I got a certified 
copy of my check showing the 847.28.  The bank credited my account for 347.28 
and subtracted the proper amount of 847.28. 

On Sunday, 12/16, I go to get my prescriptions and the claim has been denied 
and if I want my prescriptions, I need to pay 597.78!  Of course I almost flip 
out and don't get my prescriptions because I can't afford that amount 
especially after paying my health insurance. 

For the past 2 days, I have been trying to get the insurance company to get my 
account straightened out - "it usually takes 24 to 48 hours" or so they say.   

So meanwhile, I sit in pain, which is probably made even worse because I'm so 
upset!  I keep trying to tell myself to calm down and relax because I know 
being upset just makes everything worse - the pain and my walking and general 

What recourse do we have because of errors of someone else!  

Thanks for letting me vent - most of the time I can remain up but this is just 
too much for me today after the past 48 hours! 
Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K. 

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