I too get several newsbreaks alerts from a couple of different sources. Most of 
it is things that don't pertain to this group but when they do, I want I hope 
to pass it along. I figure it's like voting, if ya don't vote, don't gripe. I 
do know from experience that our voices are heard. You might have to scream and 
yell before they are, but if ya keep it up long enough. You'll get heard!
I haven't even thought about fellow gimps during those fires! Wow, those things 
move fast and you better have a plan! Back here in Oklahoma we have them there 
tornados. I have yet to see a shelter that is accessible. I just get in to the 
middle of the house and pray. I realize the cost of making a tornado shelter 
would be expensive but there should be some type of regulation that provides 
assistance for not only disabled but elderly folks also. Well, that's my two 
cents worth.
Larry in Oklahoma who can get on a soap box if ya let him. 

(H.R. 3195).Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 13:51:47 -0800

Larry, thanks for sharing.  A lot of the folks with TM are isolated as far as 
the ADA or Disability Rights are concerned.  They don't see this type of 
information.  I'm in CA and I get alerts on "stuff" going on at the state level 
regarding ADA etc.  I just had a support group meeting this month and I had a 
lady in talking about emergency preparedness (she is a w/chair user).  She was 
highly involved in the wild fires we had here in CA and the NON help provided 
to some of the disabled community.  She also talked about what is going on with 
the ADA.  I think the support group members found it interesting.
Cindy McLeroy

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Larry Throne 
To: Tmic group 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 12:48 PM
Subject: [TMIC] ADA Restoration Act (H.R. 3195).
Sorry for the long post but I think this is an important hearing and we all 
need to participate in getting it passed.Larry in Oklahoma January 23, 
2008--Next Tuesday, January 29th at 9:30am, the full House Education and Labor 
Committee will hold a hearing on the ADARestoration Act (H.R. 3195). All 
members need to hear the powerful testimony.If your Representative is a member 
of the committee (see list below), please calland urge him or her to attend the 
hearing in 2175 Rayburn House OfficeBuilding. And if you can, try to attend 
yourself. Please tell your Representative that restoring Congress' original 
intent for the Americans with Disabilities Act is necessary to create an equal 
playing field for people with disabilities and stop disability discrimination 
in the workplace and elsewhere. See the Bazelon Center's July 23, 2007 Action 
Alert for more information about H.R. 3195. For additional background, visit 
the Consortium of Citizens with Disabilities Rights Task Force and the National 
Council on Independent Living's ADARestoration Action Hub. 
Please Act Now! Go down the list and see if your Representative is one of the 
committee members. If so, call him or her on the direct phone listed or using 
the Capitol switchboard at 1-202-224-3121. Remember to say you're a 
constituent. Members with asterisks have co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act. 
Please thank them and encourage them to stay involved. 
House Education and Labor Committee MembersDemocrats: George Miller, Chairman 
(CA-07)* (202) 225-2095 Dale E. Kildee (MI-05)*  (202) 225-3611 Donald M. Payne 
(NJ-10)*  (202) 225-3436 Robert E. Andrews (NJ-01)* (202) 225-6501 Robert C. 
(Bobby) Scott (VA-03)*  (202) 225-6501 Lynn C.Woolsey (CA-06)*  (202) 225-5161 
Rubén Hinojosa (TX-15)*  (202) 225-2531Carolyn McCarthy (NY-04)*  (202) 
225-5516 John F. Tierney (MA-06)  (202) 225-8020 Dennis J. Kucinich (OH-10)*  
(202) 225-5871 David Wu (OR-01)*  (202) 225-0855 Rush D. Holt (NJ-12)*  (202) 
225-5801 Susan A. Davis (CA-53)*  (202) 225-2040 Danny K. Davis (IL-07)*  (202) 
225-5006 Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07)* (202) 225-2435 Timothy H. Bishop (NY-01)*  
(202) 225-3826 Linda T. Sanchez (CA-39)*  (202) 225-6676 John Sarbanes (MD-03)* 
 (202) 225-4016 Joe Sestak (PA-07)*  (202) 225-2011 Dave Loebsack (IA-02)*  
(202) 225-6576 Mazie Hirono (HI-02)*  (202) 225-4906 Jason Altmire (PA-04)*  
(202) 225-2565 John Yarmuth (KY-03)*  (202) 225-5401 Phil Hare (IL-17)*  (202) 
225-5905 Yvette Clarke (NY-11)*  (202) 225-6231 Joe Courtney (CT-02)*  (202) 
225-2076 Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01)*  (202) 225-5456Republicans: Howard P. 
"Buck" McKeon, Ranking Member (CA-25) (202) 225-1956Thomas E. Petri (WI-06)*  
(202) 225-2476 Peter Hoekstra (MI-02)*  (202) 225-4401 Michael N. Castle (DE-At 
Large)*  (202) 225-4165 Mark E. Souder (IN-03)*  (202) 225-4436 Vernon J. 
Ehlers (MI-03)*  (202) 225-3831 Judy Biggert (IL-13)  (202) 225-3515 Todd 
Russell Platts (PA-19)  (202) 225-5836Ric Keller (FL-8)  (202) 225-2176 Joe 
Wilson (SC-02)  (202) 225-2452 John Kline (MN-02)  (202) 225-2271 Cathy 
McMorris Rodgers (WA-05)  (202) 225-2006Kenny Marchant (TX-24)  (202) 225-6605 
Tom Price (GA-06)  (202) 225-4501 Luis G. Fortuño (PR)*  (202) 225-2615 Charles 
W. Boustany, Jr. (LA-07)  (202) 225-2031 Virginia Foxx (NC-05)  (202) 225-2071 
John R. "Randy" Kuhl, Jr. (NY-29)  (202) 225-3161 Rob Bishop (UT-01)  (202) 
225-0453 David Davis (TN-01)  (202) 225-6356 Timothy Walberg (MI-07)  (202) 
225-6276 Dean Heller (NV-02) (202) 225-6155 Committee schedule:
Larry from Oklahoma

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