Wow, Jenna, I am flattered -- and I am wondering if you're  looking at the 
right picture. LOL! I haven't been called cute in a long  time.
I don't think about going and looking at the pictures very  often, but I 
enjoy it when I do. It's nice to be able to put a face with a  name.
I just went to take a look and get the url to post here, and,  wow, there are 
a bunch of new ones since the last time I looked! Peachy, Ella,  Candy, and 
others -- so good to "see" you!!
For those who haven't seen it, the TMIC members photo gallery  is here at 
(  . Go take a look -- and add 
yours! There is also a place 
for  members activity, recreation and travel photos at 
Barbara H.
_ ( 
In a message dated 1/31/2008 12:10:51 AM Eastern Standard Time,  

I was on the TMA site tonight because I was giving the info to a friend  here 
that didn't know about our group... I don't go to the TMA site that much  
now, because I am not looking for new info...but now I am thinking I need to  
more often.  I was looking at the photo's....Barbara are so  cute...I 
hate having my picture taken...but I just might need to, because I  kind of 
my friends on the list to know what I look  like...



**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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