Thanks Linda; you will find the correlation of Itp and tm on page4 of the acticleTransverse myelitis: symtons, causes and diagnosis at at our own sight I was surprised as you fo find that out. My neuro never mentioned it to me but sent me to an oncologist.

To: <>,"Gerry Surette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] reITP
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 22:06:41 -0700

Hi Gerry, thanks for letting us know that you will be in the hospital. You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. I like your attitude - one week of bliss, just being HIGH. That will be a nice reprieve. It's interesting that this has come up. I have TM and my granddaughter has ITP. I've gone to medical seminars on ITP with my family so I do understand about the disease. It's been a while since I've done any research and I wasn't aware of the connection of TM and ITP - except that they are both autoimmune diseases. I guess it's time for me to start researching again. I hope you have a relaxing weekend planned, then on Monday morning take a deep breath, relax and just know that God will be right there with you.
Hugs, Linda
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Gerry Surette<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:45 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] reITP

Hi everyone' As some of you know I will be entering the hospital next monday morning for an intravenous gamaglobin including a bone maroow transplant. Thuis will last five days. To backrack my plelete count is very very low. I have ITP whereby my white blood cells are killing each other off. The risk are not so high. Those of us who have TM have gone through much worst. the
  news is this: It is related to TM> ;;;;;;; I thought it was a new
complication to my life but doing some research I discovered that ITP is a directed result to TM in some people. \\\\\\\The<> good part of all this is that I will be so drugged up for four days that I will not feel the pain I have been experiencing for the last 7 years. It is better then cannibus. God
  bless One week of total bliss. no pain. just HIGH please keep me in your
thoughs and prayers. Again my church is praying for Jude.The lord is with us each and everyone of us. Just look around you. your wife; your girlfriend; He sent them to us to help; comfort and don't forget to nag us as well. lol

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