I have had Botox in my calf, several shots, twice, neither with any effect - I'm immune to food poisoning, I guess.

That was in 1999, I think. I then had a Baclofen pump installed for the excess and asymmetrical tone. The Baclofen significantly diminished my knee jerk spasms, but it did naught for the tone. I had to tackle the tone surgically by rerouting the primary tendons and wearing an AFO.

p.s. Jim, how do I search the archives? I've written this before one or two or three times.

On Mar 1, 2008, at 5:4917 PM, Heather & Pieter wrote:


Has anyone had Botox injections in the calf to ease the muscle spasms? I know that Marieke in Montreal has had them. My Physiatrist has suggested it to me. I am one of the 1/3 who can walk in the house without aids unless tired, use a cane or walker or shopping cart outside the home and occasionally use a wheelchair for longer distances.

If you have had them what are the pro's and con's in your case?

Thanks in advance,
Heather in Calgary

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