This is a resurrection of an old topic. Feel free to add your own experiences to this thread.

Alton: Ahhh, the trail of wet from room to room - now I can tell where I have been.

Alton:   Why is one foot sort of cold, and the other very warm?

Alton:   Time to change the support hose; it is getting stiff.

Alton: When the bag ignored too long is utterly full, the bladder is also. PANIC.

Alton:   I thought I closed the valve.

Alton: By slipping a drain tube out the bottom of the car door, I find relief. Officer, that must be the air conditioner draining on your foot.

Alton:   Every Boy Scout knows how to permanently put out a small fire.

Alton: When I crossed my legs, the valve had been closed. Scout's honor, Betty.

Alton, welcoming Cora to this sedate group

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