It's been a long time since I have written but I check the list often
because I do not want to lose touch with this group.My computer crashed so I
switched over to a Mac and a new e-mail address, I have my darling grandson,
Declan and my oldest son (I have two adult boys and two adult girls) will be
getting married to a beautiful teacher that I introduced him to and there's
just all sorts of things going on ..... yada, yada....yada.....  :)
I tread carefully regarding religion & politics... but for what it's

I am a believer in a"life after death"..... where I will most definitely
soar with eagles, dance with angels and rejoice at the banquet table with my
family, my friends and my Triune Deity.

I love to look at the pictures that come back from Space..... what a
universe!!!  It's beyond anything we could ever imagine and some day in the
not too distant future I will stand at the edge of dawn with complete
knowledge of the mystery of "life"

P.S. I am also a firm believer in "pity parties"... especially with ice
cream and chocolates.... I think it's an "Irish" thing...
I have written to Jude and keep up with her news.
Has anyone heard how Bernard Pelow is doing?? I sent an e-mail but no

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