I can certainly consider my sensation Central Neuropathy  Syndrome.  I am 
sensitive to hot and cold, and also to touch.  The  weather and my stress level 
plays a huge part in my pain management.  I  understand what you mean about 
throwing yourself off a cliff.  I also take  Lyrica and Cymbalta, along with 
Fentanal patch and Vicodin and most times the  pain is still intolerable.
Yes, although I am a C4 incomplete, I do have a little  movement on my left 
side.  My left leg is pretty strong, but has  compromised sensation.  I can 
move my left arm a little, but it's still  difficult to impossible to do my 
feed myself, or do the things that are  necessary for daily living.   


C4-incomplete, quadriplegic since July 2005
due to Transverse  Myelitis

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