I was able to visit Deb, my sister.  She is out of ICU and in CCU. 

She was coherent but can't remember anything for the past week.  She reconized 
me but asked about Mom, who is in Atlanta.  When I said Atlanta, she repeated 
Atlanta questioningly?  She is having seizure meds + other meds via IV.  She 
has a couple of large lumps on the left side of her forehead.  She is also 
slurring some words but whether that is from the meds or other complications, 
not sure.   She has not had any seizures for the past 24 hours.  All of her 
vitals are normal and stable.  She is able to move all of her limbs - great 
news as far as TMers go. 

I tried to stay until the doctor came in but after 1 hour and 2 visits with the 
nurse, the doctor was a no show (they do work on their own schedules).  I did 
tell the nurse regarding my other sister and myself pointing out that all of 3 
of us girls appear to have neuro problems of one sort or another. 

The nurse did ask me if she had had any previous seizures.  She has not to my 
knowledge and being the oldest, I should know. 

I am to call Deb in a few minutes.  She is to tell me what the doctor said - 
hopefully she will remember. 

I am sure that all of your prayers has helped.  Thank you all so much. 

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K.

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