1)   Light case as a child.
  2)  Yes, soon after i had tm......within 6 months. Didn't suffer because I 
was still numb.
  3)  No
jrushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      v\:* {   BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml)  }      v\:* {   BEHAVIOR: url 
(#default#vml)  }        FLAVOR00-NONE-0000-0000-000000000000  0.000000  ;      
        Hi, everyone (again!)
  I have three questions for those who would be willing to respond:
  1)  Did you ever have chicken pox?
  2)  Did you ever suffer from shingles?
  3)  Did you have a flare-up of shingles prior to your being stricken with TM?
  These are a few of the theories with TM and I'm just curious to see if any of 
'us' have experienced any or all of these.
  Jeanne in Dayton

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