Wondering if there is an address where we could send cards etc... to Ken at
home or to Janet in the hospital..Trudy

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Jan Hargrove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> -----Here's my message from Ken......let's keep up our prayers going up for
> Janet
> (and) KEN!!   janh
>           Dear Friends,
>                       Thank all of you who sent e-mail with prayers for
> Janet.  Tonight I believe
>               that our prayers are being answered in a way that gives all
> joy.  All week since Tue.
>               she was kept asleep to rest heart and lungs.  This morning
> about 4am she began
>               to  have tempeture I had a call from the nurse telling that
> she had 104 temp..
>               When Bruce and I reached the hospital  we were pleasantly
> surprised to
>               find her awake and responding with the tempeture normal.  If
> this continues
>              as is they will remove the breathing tube.  She was breathing
> on her own today,
>               Hopefully she will continue to improve so they can put stents
> in Monday if
>               that is successful she will make a good recovery.
>               I feel quite optomistic tonight.  Your prayers and words of
> comfort have
>               meant a lot to us.  God be praised for all His wonderful love
> to us poor
>               sinners who saved by His Grace.
>               May God draw very near to each of you.  My Thought for Today
> will be
>               continued next week.  Until then I pray each of will blessed
> by our wonderful
>               Friend and Saviour Jesus Christ.
>               Ken
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