Dear List, 
(This was written the night Janet passed away,  but I have been hesitant to 
send it to the List for various reasons.   Please do not ridicule my thoughts 
and more than that, please do not be  offended)
Wow, you sure can't tell me that there aren't  any such thing as Guardian 
Angels from Above.
A few minutes ago, after having been asleep for  hours, I awakened to find a 
pill bottle in my hand, top off, ready to put  one or more in my mouth.  Thank 
God it was only Protonix.  Hands  shaking I replaced the pill, twisted on the 
cap and put it on my  night-table.
What a catastrophe that could have been.   Out of all the medication I have 
at hand, it was "only" Protonix.   And what woke me suddenly?  Why then, out of 
the blue-black  night?  
I don't know the side effects of a Protonix  overdose and I don't think I 
want to know, but I believe an  Angel woke me up and saved me from possibly 
finding out.  My  "troubles" may have all been gone by morning and hopefully I 
would be in a  better place, but it is not yet m.y time  Could it have been  
I believe that we are surrounded by Guardian  Angels from on High watching 
over us at all times and that they may change  from time-to-time.  I am left 
wondering if it wasn't sweet, generous  Janet on her way upwards to her home in 
I know that Janet was sweet and generous because  of the many cards and notes 
she took part in sending, keeping me  occupied while I was in the nursing 
No one knows, unless they have been there, how  lonely it is not to be able 
to get out of bed, even though my new chariot,  with special RoHo cushion, 
waited at the ready to take me out into the  halls to be among people I was 
getting to know.  But because of the  I.V. treatment for MRSA, I could not 
leave my 
During that time, there were many of my friends  from the List who gave of 
their time and energy.  I don't believe  that I can name them all without 
looking at the all of the cards and  letters I received.  I do know that there 
at least two angels  looking after me...MS. Pattie, visited regularly, 
insisting that I  not be alone even though her own immune system was at risk 
from the 
deadly  bacteria.  She even came on days when I strictly forbade her not to  
because I was not feeling well.  She knew that company was what I  needed and 
came anyway. I have not taken the time to let her know in a  public forum, how 
much I appreciate all that she did...more often or not,  with her lovely 
Mother in tow.  "Thank you  Pattie."
I have often mentioned how my friend from a  ruined city, hammered to the 
ground by a hurricane last year, with plenty  of problems of her own, calls me 
every day, rain or shine.  Even when  she and her dear Danny were going through 
scary times with his health, Pam  never neglected to call me and make me laugh 
at least once before she hung  up, on to bigger and better things, leaving me 
with hope, for one always  knows TIAD, "Tomorrow Is Another 
Day"...Twiddle-De-De,  Scarlet!
And now this Intervention.  Our house was  quiet, all who might have awakened 
me, fast asleep.  I believe it may  have been an Angel...Janet?
So my dearest Ken, I hope that it does not  offend you to "hear" me say that 
I honestly believe that the Guardian  Angel who woke me from such strange 
circumstances, was none other than  your lovey wife, on her way to Heaven, 
those Angel's  wings.
Thank you Janet.

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