Just a reminder, the newsletter is mailed to all members in the US.
It's also online at http://www.myelitis.org/newsletters/index.html
I'm still working on the web version pages but the pdf version is ready.

At 06:40 AM 7/7/2008, Lori Biehler wrote:
Hi all,
I felt so compelled to write after reading the first few pages of the newsletter. Normally when the newsletter arrives, it sits on my desk for a bit and then I slowly read through it and it takes quite a while for me to finish it. This time, I set it on the desk and this morning I decided to start reading and I couldn't put it down.
The story and the letters were so inspiring.
This TM affliction affects all of us in totally different ways, yet there are so many inspiring stories that we can all learn so much from. To imagine that a gentleman in prison was able to love and nurture an animal and receive so much of a loving, rewarding experience blows my mind! For Pauline to have found such a perfect match for her, is totally unbelievable! These people have come together and learned and grown so much from this experience, it makes me tear up just thinking about it all. I do wish I were better with the written word and could put all my thoughts and feelings down on paper like they all did. For anyone out there that is on the "fence" about going to the upcoming symposium, go! It is a life changing experience and you will meet some of the most awesome people. For Pauline and Sandy, the picture of Pauline and Kazu, they look so great together, it is one of those "meant to be" moments in my life. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us.

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