Have you heard the latest on prunes? Well, for one,  they're no longer called 
prunes— they're dried plums. I guess someone decided  "dried plums" sounded 
more appetizing than prunes. 

He may be right, but  that's not the big news… 

It seems prunes…err…dried plums aren't  just for regularity anymore. 
According to a recent article, published in the  Journal of Nutritional 
they may actually help combat  osteoporosis as well. 

Osteoporosis is a disease, commonly afflicting  postmenopausal women, that 
leads to a decrease in bone density—leaving bones  weaker and more susceptible 
to breaks and fractures. 

Typical treatments  include vitamin D and calcium supplements, which can be 
difficult to digest and  absorb. As well as a highly toxic (and only marginally 
effective) class of drugs  called bisphosphonates. 

But when researchers took mouse cells and  introduced antioxidant substances 
from the dried plums, called polyphenols,  results showed an increased 
production in the enzymes responsible for bone  formation. 

Plus, they also found a decrease in the production of enzymes  linked to bone 
loss. This could be great news for osteoporosis sufferers who are  in search 
of less "toxic" options. 

In an effort to validate and further  these findings, Florida State 
University researchers launched a similar study to  examine the respective 
benefits of 
both dried plums and dried apples. They hope  to isolate the exact compounds 
responsible for these bone-building benefits and  use them to create a natural 
supplement. If successful, their work may provide  an alternative solution, to 
the short list of options, to help fight against  osteoporosis. 

In the meantime, if you ask me, whole foods are your best  source for "good 
stuff." So, whether you're regular or not, whether you've got  osteoporosis or 
not, dried plums are still extremely high in antioxidants and  they're a great 
source of dietary fiber. 

Get yourself a box and enjoy! 

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