Hi everyone:

of you may remember me and most won't.   I had a TM attack in 1997 and
found this group.  I rejoined several years ago and after a few months
forgot how to get into the group!  lol  So now I've subscribed once

have never been without symptoms since the TM attack in 97. In that
attack in just a few hours I became numb on the left side from just
below the breast to my toes.  It was like a line had been drawn down
the middle of me and everything was totally numb on the left from that
level down.  I lost bladder control, too.  

was later dxed with MS in 1998.  Among other symptoms, I have been numb
since the TM attack in different parts of my body and I have never been
without some degree of numbness.

the past 3 weeks I've been abnormally numb.  It is very much like the
TM attack in 97 except I haven't lost bladder control and this time the
severe numbness is on the right side. It started under my right breast,
moving under my arm, around my back....  Now the numbness is all the
way to my toes, except part of my hip.

did call my neuro and he asked if I thought I was in the middle of a MS
flare.  At the time I said no because I feel fine.  Now I'm wondering
if I made a mistake.  Could this be a TM thing?  What do you all think?

glad to be back....

Sharon Marsden

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