When I first took the flu shot I had to pay $10. for it and someone from the 
health dept came to our office.  That winter I was so doggone sick I had to 
take 2 weeks off work.  Had never been sick any winter previous to that but as 
I was 50 that year (13 yrs ago) I thought okay I should do it.  A friend at 
work said 'Oh come on we'll both get it'.  So I did 

The following year, she asked if I was going to take it again.  I thought well, 
maybe it was a fluke that i got sick so I took it again.  Well, I missed 
another 2 weeks work that winter too.  

The third year.  I just gave my $10. to Christene.  She bought me desk calendar 
that year for Christmas and it had was put out by a local radio station.  Every 
day had a little joke on it.  That year and every year since I have not had a 
cold or flu. 

I cannot say it had anything to do with TM as it didn't come to stay with me 
until just 5 years ago on the 6th of this month.

So I just keep my $$ even though I could now get the shot for free.  They don't 
charge for it anymore here. 

Heather in Calgary 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 11:19 AM

  Hi Everyone ~
     When I was writing to Linda this morning about her sinuses it reminded me 
of something that I want to let you all know......
     Most people think they get sick with colds and flu in the winter because 
of the cold weather.
  Nothing could be further from the truth.

     The reason people get sick more often in the winter is because they don't 
get the usual 15-30 minutes of sunshine a day, (without sunscreen...!),  that 
our bodies need to produce the Vitamin D we need to avoid getting sick.
     The solution......take a vitamin D3 tablet every day from Fall into late 
  everyone around you will be dropping down sick and you should be just fine.  
  At the very least, if you do get sick , you won't be as sick as everyone else.

     The reason I said to skip that vaccine is quite simple.  It DOESN'T WORK.
  The formula they have made this year for the flu vaccine was made from the 
flu strain that went around last year.  Flu germs mutate every year.  So....... 
since this years flu strain has mutated.....what good does it do to get a 
vaccine to protect you from last years flu strain....??
  Doesn't make sense when you think about it now does it...?

     Okay.....take your Vitamin D3 and call me in the morning.  :-)
     Hugs,  Lynn

  Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest 
fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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