Thank you, Wim, for taking the time to send your thoughts.  We often think we 
are the only ones affected by everything but it goes across the world and you 
said it very well.  Our health care is greatly affected as we all know.  We 
can't be without it and some of us have to pay so much to keep what we have 
because no one else will take us on because of our problems.  We paid $633 a 
month which took a big chunk out of our income but we had no choice!  Thank God 
I get on Medicare as of 11/1 and it goes down to $350 a month!  I am so blessed!

We all have our own stories, many similar so we need to support each other as 
much as we can, in many ways.  We are so different in our lives, beliefs, 
religions, and political views but we are drawn together by our desire to be 
together with our TMIC.  If we don't care for what is written, that little 
'delete' button is quick and easy.  That is one of the wonders of our priceless 
'freedom of choice'. Jeanne in Dayton who at this time is having many issues 
with unending pain...dang it!!

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