I was pretty busy yesterday and just read your email today.
I hope by now you have checked into your new symptoms.
I was told by my neurologist, family doctor and from others on this list that 
we may have  "ups" and "downs" of the SAME symptoms but new systems should be 
looked into.

Let us know what you find out & how you are doing.

Gary in Michigan
----- Original Message ----- 
  From: randy rankin 
  To: TM Group 
  Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 8:51 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] face/hand numbness if you know or have experience - I need 
some feedback

        This is new. It started yesterday and I have it now. My face, starting 
around the temporal region extending to around the zygomatic area on both 
sides,followed by my forehead and lips, then down to my chin down the front 
neck, followed by the pariatal region of my head started feeling numb 
superficially. I could touch any part with my fingers and felt everything but I 
still had this strange numb like feeling. I could actually feel and follow the 
numbing pattern moving from one area to the next. I was in school, doctorate 
class as this began happening and I commented to three of my class mates. They 
just looked at me funny and went back to their school work and never mentioned 
it again. 
        Next my fingers started feeling numb. But they were still working and I 
could touch them and feel both my touching and being touch but this odd numbing 
feeling was there. Then my forearm started doing the same thing and that was 
it. Nothing else anywhere.
        This last for hours and then just went away.
        My vertigo was back and more apparent than ever. This time, if I sat 
down, even slowly, I got incredibly wozzy or a hard rush. As I walked, I felt 
like I was walking across one of those bouncy bridges at an amusement part. I 
just could figure out what to do to make it just disappear. I also, for the 
first time started moving towards the right and crashing into things and 
people. It was if a pull was taking off to the right when I tried to walk.
        It is kinda like being tippsy without the benifits. 
        The vergito isn't as bad as a few weeks ago and so far, until 
yesterday, I was attributing the oddness to an ear infection because I could 
not find any information anywhere that related it to a neurological problem and 
I really only got responses from a few people and only one really seem to maybe 
suggest that this is neurological so I thought probably this is just my 
imagination. I've already been told that I demonstrate "hypodchodria" by my 
psyc specialist.
        This was DIFFERENT from like when your feet "go to sleep." It didn't 
hurt and it was not painful. It FELT LIKE I had taken a bunch of Niacin but I 
had taken nothing or that I had been to the denist and the shot was just 
starting to take effect. 
        This morning, it was back. My forehead, lips and cheeks have a numbing 
and an odd COLD/HOT sensation. I preceive a warmingness but at the same time it 
feels like a cold. It is like holding a ice cube to my cheeks and forehead for 
too long. 
        I am going to the neuro for sure this week. I would have gone sooner 
but my insurance company sent a letter saying that my insurance was cancil but 
in fact, they just switch providers. I went out and bought my own insurance - 
now I have two insurance companies. Those crazy people could have messed me up!

        I need some feed back. This is totally freaking me out. I need to know 
if others have experience anything like this before. I have heard about "numb 
butts" and a few other things but I don't recall anyone having these kinds of 
symptoms so I am wondering what is causing it and why it came for a long time, 
went away and now it is back again. If it is a neurological problem, shouldn't 
it just stay rather than go away and come back? 

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