My best advice is to keep a positive attitude and exercise regularly. I
went thru all stages you mentioned from having zero feeling in both legs
to a walker,quad cane , reg cane and finally no cane at all. I still
fatigue very quickly but I manage to drive 80 miles a day to work (desk
job)...and exercise when i get home. My biggest problem was cutting down
on my exercise regimen once Dr. Kerr told me i was overdoing it. My
exercise now is almost all done in the is amazing but I can
run in the pool...who woulda thunk it!
    Thank you for the truly inspiring helps to keep hope
Rob in New Jersey


Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 1:40 PM
Subject: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

8 1/2 years + with TM for Terry and he just spontaneously walked at our
friends house the other last night. (Our friend being follow TM-er Rick
Steele).  He stands up from his wheelchair all the time and cooks,
gardens, etc.  He sometimes walks up stairs with the support of the
banisters and has taken a few steps unassisted before.  But, last night
he just got up and walked without any support or assistance for a total
of perhaps 40 steps!   He was quite well balanced, all things
My suggestion to him was to get out the walker and the arm crutches and
clean off the cobwebs and start practicing more at home.   It's just
amazing how much progress Terry has made.  He's so determined and has
such a good attitude through all his pain.
For those of you that went from a wheelchair to walking or walking with
assistance, what helped you?   Any advise is greatly appreciated!
Sandy Parker


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