<http://www.aarda.org/survey.php>Anybody who is willing to take the time, please fill out this short survey for the AARDA; it's extremely important that they have accurate statistical information on the autoimmune community, /especially/ if your family suffers from more than one autoimmune disease - even if it's not the same one! See the website for a full list if you're not familiar with other autoimmune disorders, though if your family members have them, I'm sure you're already somewhat familiar, ha ha. Thank you so much for your time, it's greatly appreciated! The more accurate information the AARDA gets from the actual community, the better they can shape and create the trials necessary to assist us! And if anyone is interested, there is also a portion included at the bottom of the survey where you can include your personal information so that you can be contacted if you fit criteria for research purposes, so if you're interested in participating in a study that they might be doing, by all means, list your information. But keep in mind - studies can also be rigorous and can require a lot of time and energy, for some (actually, probably many of us) with TM and many other autoimmune disorders, this is an undertaking not to be considered lightly; so include your information if you're interested, but if you are contacted, be sure to intimate what your limits are, and be clear what you are and are not capable of and how much you will participate in. EG: filling out forms, talking on the phone, forwarding medical records, to actually going in and having physicals or participating in the whole studies if desired. Thanks for reading and the consideration - and spread the word if you know another community where this website would be applicable and appreciated!

On a more personal note, sorry I haven't been online guys, but all hell has broken loose in the family medically, and I don't get on the computer much anymore. Hope everyone is doing as well as can be, and certainly better than I feel, har har har. *grin* Special thoughts and prayers to Jude, and anyone else in similar situations. Will try to be more forthcoming with information and better at interacting in the near future - a silver lining is coming (it's gotta be *grin*).
Namaste ~

fn:"I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it".
adr;dom:Apt. #203;;1941 Gaston Place Drive;Austin;Texas;78723
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note:Thomas Jefferson said it best,------"Those that trade freedom for security deserve neither freedom nor security"............

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