First, let me thank those of you  who have taken the time to email me and 
lend me your  support.
Those of you who have been on the  List for some time know how I feel about 
every one of you.  If you  don't, you haven't been reading my email!
I am a mature woman, a lover of  people and yet I have the ability to take 
care of myself.  I do not  go out of my way to make strife on the List and I 
think that Jim knows  that or he would have asked me to leave long before  this.
What I may be, is somewhat naive,  and tend to write before I think at times. 
 I will do my best   not to email so often when the topics are not specific 
to  TM.
I think that having TM and being  bedridden has made me rather jaded on the 
subject.  I feel resigned  to my fate and tend to forget that there are so many 
of you with TM who  walk and get around quite well on your own.
Why is it that there is so much  diversity when it comes to managing TM by 
the medical field?  There  are all types of medications...none of us are on the 
same drugs, are  we?  There are all types of therapies available but depending 
upon  insurance companies many Tm'ers are unable to take advantage of  them.  
Since my time on the List I have  read emails by some of the most uplifting 
persons I know.  I have  read my share of emails written by those with no hope, 
only to be turned  around by the List group.  And, I have had the sobering 
emails about  those of us who simply can't take it any more.  Those TM'ers we  
will never hear from again.
And then there are those  ungrateful people who criticize whatever is written 
on this List that  might not exactly fit the criteria of the Rules.  If we 
belong to  this List...if we have TM...then as long as we write in a 
 manner, we ought to be able to say what we need to say as long as it will  
help another person with TM.
Those are the words that are  important here.  And that is what I will 
continue to try to do.   As other's have done for me. (that sounds somewhat 
familiar,  aye?)
As a die-hard Beatle fan, I must  say,

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