Gerry, this is one of the most beautifully put e-mail I've ever read and it
is so clear that it comes from the heart.  I couldn't agree with you more in
all that you say.  I've been gone awhile and don't know what has happened
but I truly hope that it isn't serious enough that we lost some of our
wonderful family.  Families don't always agree but we still hang in there
and my hope and prayer is that we all do the same.  We're not perfect...we
re not supposed to be.  We are only supposed to try every day to be better
than we were the day before.  

Jude, you are so special to me and I worry about you every day.  I am so
blessed by your strength in the way you stand up and speak out for your
people on here and I hope you continue to be the same as you are right now. 
I wish like everything in my soul that I had the answer to all of the
problems you have with your little body.  I wish the same for all of you. 
These words come from my heart and I hope and pray we can rid
ourselves of the contention as much as we can.

Love for you all..Jeanne in Dayton 
-------Original Message-------
From: Gerry Surette
Date: 1/11/2009 10:24:41 AM
Subject: [TMIC] re tmic emails
I just read Jude's email to all of us. You Jude are the reason why I joined
the list your words and thoughts of what you and many of us are going
through with TM is not only an inspiration but an encouragement for those of
us who feel sometimes that tm is more than we can bear. If I were with you
right now I would hug you and hold you in my arms for all you have gone
through your pains and suffering ; and yet you have the strength and
fortitude to encouage us all.  you are definitely not a problem. Many who
write emails to the group I feel have the best intentions at heart. I also
believe that we are to quick to judge others. Maybe we should take the
posture of ccepting their thoughts at face value. It is their way of trying
to help.I have been on this sight for about 4 years now and believe that
everyone who replies to emails of others have the best intentions at heart.
love and prayers to all gerry in snowy COLD montreal.


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